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Showing posts from June, 2017

Using Elastic File System for Out-Scaled Deployers

In a scaled-out scenario for Content Delivery Deployers, it is possible to setup a shared file system as the Binary Storage medium for incoming transport packages. The Deployer Receiver writes these transport package zip files into the Binary Storage folder. Then it is up to the Deployer Workers to read these zip files as they deployer/underploy the content. Below, we present the configurations for an AWS Elastic File System (EFS) acting as storage medium for transport packages. Start by simply creating an EFS in AWS console. This whole step might take you 5 minutes :) AWS is going to generate a hostname where this file system is available and it will give instructions on how to mount it in your server. For example, in Linux CentOS, one can mount an FS using the mount command. The following command will mount the EFS drive under folder /efs01 on the current server: sudo mount -v -t nfs4 -o nfsvers=4.1,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,hard,timeo=600,retrans=2 fs-...

Terminate Lifecycle Hook

This post is part of a bigger topic Autoscaling Publishers in AWS . In a previous post, I mentioned the LifeCycle Termination Hooks for our Auto Scaling Policy . In this post, we see more details about this hook and how it is actually used to gracefully shutdown service on the instance that is about to be terminated. As per earlier post, we defined one termination hook in the Auto Scaling Policy, named 'sdl_terminate_publisher': Next, we use this a CloudWatch event to execute a Lambda Function that performs the graceful shutdown of the Publisher service on the instance, and then releases the termination hook, so the instance can be terminated properly. In CloudWatch, create a new Rule as per below: Event Source: Event Pattern Based on service: Auto Scaling Event Type: Instance Launch and Terminate Specific event: EC2 Instance-terminate Lifecycle Action Specific group: sdl_publisher-asg Target a Lambda function to be executed when this event triggers: SDL...