This post describes in short the resolving mechanism when a certain item is being published. This is also known as "Where Used" link resolving (or propagation) and can be defined as follows: "when publishing an item, all items using this item will be published too, but only if they are already published". In other words, when publishing an item, the "Where Used" list of that item (i.e. the items using that item) will be published as well.
a) If DCP is on a Page, and you publish the Page, then the following gets published:
- the Page;
- all DCPs on the Page;
- the Component in each DCP [which continues in point b) further];
b) If publishing a Component, the following gets published:
- all DCPs made out of that Component with each Dynamic CT on the same Schema;
- all _linking-to_ Components (e.g. Comp A links to Comp B; if Comp B is published, then Comp A is published too; however, links to Comp A don’t get published);
c) If publishing a Dynamic CT, the following gets published:
- all Components that are on the same Schema as the Dynamic CT _and_ that are already published [in this case, the Component is only published with the DCT that initiated publishing, and not also with the other DCTs on the same Schema];
Now you know...
a) If DCP is on a Page, and you publish the Page, then the following gets published:
- the Page;
- all DCPs on the Page;
- the Component in each DCP [which continues in point b) further];
b) If publishing a Component, the following gets published:
- all DCPs made out of that Component with each Dynamic CT on the same Schema;
- all _linking-to_ Components (e.g. Comp A links to Comp B; if Comp B is published, then Comp A is published too; however, links to Comp A don’t get published);
c) If publishing a Dynamic CT, the following gets published:
- all Components that are on the same Schema as the Dynamic CT _and_ that are already published [in this case, the Component is only published with the DCT that initiated publishing, and not also with the other DCTs on the same Schema];
Now you know...