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Timeout Setting in Event System Threads

While debugging an Event System in SDL Tridion 2011 SP1, I noticed that every so often my debug session ends unexpectedly with an exception that thread was aborted.

Obviously, the thread is taking too long so the event system engine is killing it in order to free up some resources. The problem for me was that it interrupted my debug session. The life span of the thread is quite low - 30 seconds by default.

Thanks to Nuno to point out where the configuration of this thread life span is: in the [Tridion_Home]\config\Tridion.ContentManager.config, in node eventSystem:

<eventSystem maxThreadCount="5" threadTimeout="30" threadNamePrefix="EventSystem" />

Change the threadTimeout to a bigger value (I set mine to 300 seconds). This will give you enough time to do sufficient debugging.

Remember to shutdown the Tridion Content Manager COM+ application and restart SDL Tridion services that might be using the Event System. For for information about which process runs your Event System, have a look at me earlier post.


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