Using the standard Content Delivery API, it is possible to retrieve related content (i.e. items that are classified against Keywords) only for one Keyword at a time. If you find yourself with a requirement to read classified items for all Keywords in a Taxonomy, then you'll quickly realize that approach is a performance killer.
To better express what I'm looking for is the following:
Keyword A -- classified with Component 1, Component 2
Keyword B -- classified with Component 3, Page 1
Keyword C -- classified with Component 1, Page 2
I want to read the classified items for all Keywords in a Taxonomy and still maintain the 'classified' relationship between each Keyword and its corresponding list of Components & Pages.
The way I did it was to write my own Spring/Hibernate query and piggy-back on the existing DAO objects and methods available in the CD Storage API.
The key is the bean, which basically maps the records in DB table ITEM_CATEGORIES_AND_KEYWORDS. This table contains all information needed in the following columns:
To better express what I'm looking for is the following:
Keyword A -- classified with Component 1, Component 2
Keyword B -- classified with Component 3, Page 1
Keyword C -- classified with Component 1, Page 2
I want to read the classified items for all Keywords in a Taxonomy and still maintain the 'classified' relationship between each Keyword and its corresponding list of Components & Pages.
The way I did it was to write my own Spring/Hibernate query and piggy-back on the existing DAO objects and methods available in the CD Storage API.
The key is the bean, which basically maps the records in DB table ITEM_CATEGORIES_AND_KEYWORDS. This table contains all information needed in the following columns:
- publicationId
- itemId
- taxonomyId
- keywordId
This provides the mapping from TaxonomyId, KeywordId to PublicationId, ItemId. The only unknown is the ItemType, which is available however in table ITEMS. So it's enough to make a join on PublicationId and ItemId and retrieve items by type. We are only interested in Components and Pages, so we'll make 2 queries -- one for each type.
The Hibernate query looks like this:
select distinct(rk) from RelatedKeyword rk, ItemMeta im
where rk.publicationId = :publicationId and rk.taxonomyId = :taxonomyId and
im.itemType = :itemType and rk.itemId = im.itemId and rk.publicationId = im.publicationId
We execute the Hibernate query in the following way:
public List<RelatedKeyword> getRelatedItems(String taxonomyURI, int itemType) {
TCMURI taxonomyTcmUri = new TCMURI(taxonomyURI);
int publicationId = taxonomyTcmUri.getPublicationId();
Map<String, Object> queryParams = new HashMap<>();
queryParams.put("publicationId", publicationId);
queryParams.put("taxonomyId", taxonomyTcmUri.getItemId());
queryParams.put("itemType", itemType);
JPABaseDAO itemDAO = (JPABaseDAO) StorageManagerFactory.getDAO(
publicationId, StorageTypeMapping.ITEM_META);
publicationId, StorageTypeMapping.ITEM_META);
return itemDAO.executeQueryListResult(THE_QUERY, queryParams);
From the calling code, we need to call getRelatedItems twice -- once for Components and once for Pages:
List<RelatedKeyword> components = getRelatedItems(taxonomyURI, ItemTypes.COMPONENT);
List<RelatedKeyword> pages = getRelatedItems(taxonomyURI, ItemTypes.PAGE);
Finally, what I want to do is to merge the components and pages lists into one single Map where the Keyword TCMURI is a key and the value is a Set of TCMURIs of the items directly classified against the said Keyword. The following method accomplishes just that:
private void mergeRelatedItems(List<RelatedKeyword> relatedKeywords,
Map<String, Set<TCMURI>> result, int itemType) {
Map<String, Set<TCMURI>> result, int itemType) {
for (RelatedKeyword keyword : relatedKeywords) {
int publicationId = keyword.getPublicationId();
String key = String.format("tcm:%d-%d-1024", publicationId, keyword.getKeywordId());
Set<TCMURI> itemList = result.get(key);
if (itemList == null) {
itemList = new TreeSet<>();
result.put(key, itemList);
TCMURI itemURI = new TCMURI(publicationId, keyword.getItemId(), itemType, 0);
We call the method with the following code:
Map<String, Set<TCMURI>> result = new HashMap<>();
mergeRelatedItems(components, result, ItemTypes.COMPONENT);
mergeRelatedItems(pages, result, ItemTypes.PAGE);