This is a follow up of my previous post JMS Cache Channel Setup. The goal is to configure JMS cache invalidation for Tridion Content Delivery. In my previous post I was describing how to configure the Tridion Deployer to use JMS technology and to post cache notification messages to an Apache ActiveMQ server. This post describes the steps I took to install and configure ActiveMQ on my machine.
I started my endeavor without having any prior experience with ActiveMQ. To my surprise, the installation was a breeze and took me about 20 minutes to get everything running.
I started by visiting the home of ActiveMQ -- The latest version as of the day was 5.10.0. I followed the no-nonsense guide on the home page and I first downloaded ActiveMQ. I use a Mac (like every freelancer who respects himself :-p) and I personally love FreeBSD, so I downloaded the Unix/Linux/Cygwin Distribution. Namely, a file named apache-activemq-5.10.0-bin.tar.gz.
The Getting Started Guide instructs you to:
- decompress the archive to a folder of your choice (I used /srv). Execute the command
This creates folder /srv/apache-activemq-5.10.0
> chmod 755 activemq
- if activemq start-up script is not executable, make it executable by executing the following:
> chmod 755 activemq
Next, you can proceed to configure ActiveMQ. This is where the Getting Started Guide is a bit inaccurate. Before being able to run ActiveMQ, you need to run the 'setup' command. This will create a configuration file in the location of your choice. I used my homedir ~/.activemqrc and executed the following:
> cd /srv/apache-activemq-5.10.0
> bin/activemq setup ~/.activemqrc
> bin/activemq setup ~/.activemqrc
And really that's all, folks. You should now be able to run ActiveMQ, start up your Deployer and see it connect to the JMS server (check the cd_core log in debug mode).
Start command:
> bin/activemq start
Shutdown command:
> bin/activemq stop
Check running state:
> bin/activemq status
Don't forget there is also a web console with default user & pass admin/admin, and it's very helpful in monitoring the server: