This post shows a way of extending Paul Tuckey’s URL rewrite filter ( Namely, it extends the Java version 4.0.3 of the filter and makes it use rewrite/redirect rules published from Tridion.
The rules are published to the Content Delivery Database as a dynamic DD4T page, and use specific view model objects that make reading the rules very easy. The extension I wrote will also attempt to load the existing rules in file “/WEB-INF/urlrewrite.xml” - the default configuration file used by URL rewrite filter.
Tridion Part
We define an Embedded Schema called EmbeddedRedirect having the following fields:
- from - single value text;
- to - single value text;
- permanent - singe value drop down or radian button text field based on values of a list with possible values “Yes” or “No”;
We define a Schema called Redirects having the following field:
- redirect - multi value embedded field based on Schema EmbeddedRedirect;
Next, we also create a Component on Schema Redirects and create several values for the actual from/to redirects. For example:
- from = ^/maps/?$
- to = /services/maps/
- permanent = Yes
The rule above will match using regular expressions the URL path “/maps” followed by a slash or not and will perform a permanent redirect (using status code 301) to the same host, but for path “/services/maps/“.
Finally we create a Page using a DD4T PT and put the Redirects Component on it (using a DD4T standard CT), and we publish the page.
DD4T Part
This implementation being a DD4T solution, we define specific view models for the EmbeddedRedirect and Redirects Schemas.
@TridionModel(rootElementName = "embeddedRedirect")
public class EmbeddedRedirect extends BaseModel {
private String from;
private String to;
private String permanent;
private boolean isPermanent;
public String getFrom() {
return from;
public void setFrom(String from) {
this.from = from;
public String getTo() {
return to;
public void setTo(String to) { = to;
public boolean isPermanent() {
return isPermanent;
public void setPermanent(String permanent) {
this.permanent = permanent;
isPermanent = "Yes".equals(permanent);
@TridionModel(rootElementName = "redirects")
public class Redirects extends BaseModel {
@TridionField(fieldName = "redirect", fieldType = TridionFieldType.Embedded)
private List<EmbeddedRedirect> redirects;
public List<EmbeddedRedirect> getRedirects() {
return redirects;
public void setRedirects(List<EmbeddedRedirect> redirects) {
this.redirects = redirects;
The URL Rewrite Filter Extension
We start by extending the original filter org.tuckey.web.filters.urlrewrite.UrlRewriteFilter
public class DynamicConfUrlRewriteFilter extends UrlRewriteFilter {
First, we override the filter’s init() method and make it load a filter init parameter called “confUrl” that is defined in file web.xml. This URL indicates the path of the Tridion page that contains the rewrite/redirect rules.
public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {
confUrl = filterConfig.getInitParameter("confUrl");
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(confUrl)) {
throw new ServletException("Filter init parameter 'confUrl' cannot be empty. Check your web.xml.");
Next, we get to implement the actual extension of the original URL rewrite filter — method getUrlRewriter(), which returns a org.tuckey.web.filters.urlrewrite.UrlRewriter object used internally by the filter to perform matches and redirects/rewrites on each request. In a real implementation, we cache the UrlRewriter and only load a new one when it either falls off the cache, or if it gets expired by a new publish of the Redirects page. In this post, a simplified version of the method is shown below:
protected UrlRewriter getUrlRewriter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) {
String url = resolveRewriteUrl();
GenericPage page = getUrlRewritePage(url);
return load(page);
The method resolveRewriteUrl() uses a PublicationResolver to determine the URL of the Redirects page in the current Publication.
Method getUrlRewritePage uses DD4T’s PageFactory to load the Page model of the Redirects page.
Finally, the load(page) method performs the actual parsing logic that reads each EmbeddedRedirect on the page and creates a org.tuckey.web.filters.urlrewrite.Conf object that is then used to create the UrlRewriter object:
private UrlRewriter load(GenericPage page) {
UrlRewriter result = null;
String urlRewriteXml = getUrlRewriteXml(page);
InputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(urlRewriteXml.getBytes());
Conf conf = new Conf(inputStream, page.getId());
if (conf.isOk() && conf.isEngineEnabled()) {
result = new UrlRewriter(conf);
return result;
The Configuration Part
The web.xml descriptor contains the definition of the filter, its initial parameter configuration and the filter mappings:
All it’s left now is to add the redirect rules in the Redirects Component. Happy redirecting! :)