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Unattended SDL Web 8.5 Installation

In a recent project, we had the requirement to install the SDL Web 8.5 Content Manager and the Publisher using script only (aka an unattended installation).

I knew about the existence of such an unattended installation, but I for one, have never attempted it. The feature is clearly documented in

All the prerequisites must still be fulfilled before the actual unattended installation can take place:

  • In Server Manager:
    • Server Roles:
      • Web Server (IIS)
    • Features:
      • .NET Frameowrk 4.6
        • ASP.NET 4.6
        • WCF Services
          • (all of them, including other features needed as dependencies)
    • Web Server Role (IIS)
      • Role Services
        • Common HTTP Features (all of them)
        • Health & Diagnostics (all)
        • Performance (all)
        • Security (all)
  • Install Java Runtime Environment

Content Manager DB must be created in advance. MTS user must be created in advance.

Once all prerequisites are met, I was able to proceed with the actual unattended installation.

To install the Content Manager, I successfully used the following command inside a .bat file:


mkdir "\Software\log"

del "\Software\log\*.*" /Q

cd "\Software\SDL Web 8.5\SDL Web 8.5\Content Manager"

SDLWeb85CM.exe -s -log "D:\Software\log\install.log" ACCEPT_EULA=true DB_NAME=Tridion_cm DB_USER=TCMDBUser
    DB_PASSWORD=dbpass TRIDION_CM_ENVIRONMENT_ID=Tridion_cm_dbblabla
    SYSTEM_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD=mypass LICENSE_PATH="D:\Software\licenses\license.xml"
    CD_LICENSE_PATH="D:\Software\licenses\cd_licenses.xml" WEB_PORT=80 TTM_DB_NAME=Tridion_Topology

To install the Content Publisher, I ran the following commands. Note that I had to exclude quite a few features from the installation, in order to _only_ install the Transport and Publisher services:


mkdir "\Software\log"

del "\Software\log\*.*" /Q

cd "\Software\SDL Web 8.5\SDL Web 8.5\Content Manager"

SDLWeb85CM.exe -s -log "D:\Software\log\install.log" ACCEPT_EULA=true DB_NAME=Tridion_cm DB_USER=TCMDBUser
    CMECore_SelectedFeatures= CMEGui_SelectedFeatures= ContextExpressions_SelectedFeatures=(All)
    ExperienceManager_SelectedFeatures= Documentation_SelectedFeatures=
    ExternalContentLibrary_SelectedFeatures= SpellChecker_SelectedFeatures= TcmSearch_SelectedFeatures=
    TemplateBuilder_SelectedFeatures= TopologyManager_SelectedFeatures=(All) TTM_DB_NAME=Tridion_Topology


ABAN said…
This dont work bat file gives error of is not a recognized as an internal or external command operable program for batch

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