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Showing posts from August, 2018

JQuery JavaScript Client for CoreService

In my previous post, I presented a JavaScript CoreService client that was using the out-of-the-box Visual Studio project and a WCF generated JS proxies using the Microsoft AJAX framework. In this blog post, I write about a JQuery client for CoreService that is lighter and only depends on JQuery. I took my inspiration from Yoav's blog post  Creating a Webservice Proxy with jQuery The server part remains untouched. This means I can only focus on the JavaScript client. CoreService is secured with Basic or Federated authentication. I am focusing on Basic auth in this post, mainly because it is so simple to use from JS. The main entry point in the code is the ServiceProxy class. This is where we define the constructor and where we set the endpoint to use for CoreService and the username, password combination to use. The ServiceProxy makes use of the JQuery's $.ajax function, where it performs a POST to the CoreService endpoint, sets the payload to send, Authorization hea...

JavaScript Client for CoreService

This blog post shows a way to connect to CoreService directly from a JavaScript client. The CoreService is a WCF web-service, which by default uses SOAP to communicate with its clients. However, it is quite simple to convert it into a REST service that accepts plain POST requests with parameters sent in the request body. To keep things simple, I secured the REST endpoint with Basic auth, and thus made use of the Basic Authenticator handler over an HTTPS connection. The Server The WCF framework allows us to easily expose any web-service as a REST service. For this, I had to modify the file [SDLWebHome]\webservices\Web.config , and add an endpoint behavior under node <system.serviceModel> / <behaviors> . The new behavior enables endpoint to be accessible as REST service: <endpointBehaviors> <behavior name= "MyJS" > <enableWebScript /> </behavior> </endpointBehaviors> Next, because we want to use...

Workflow Listener SDL Web 8.5 with ADFS

Using the Workflow listener service with ADFS authentication is quite straight forward, if we use the Basic Authenticator. The service WFListener.asmx is not a WCF service, therefore we can't use federation security on it. Instead we need to use Basic authentication and handle the ADFS behind the scene. The Basic Authenticator module exposes a Basic authentication scheme, while communicating with the ADFS server in the background. Once a user is successfully authenticated, it creates a Thread and HttpContext security contexts, so that the following modules in the .NET request processing pipeline execute in the new security context. As such, our client can define a Basic auth security using HTTPS transport and it will be able to connect to the service. App.config The .NET Console application I use as test client uses generated service proxy classes. The configuration presented below defines the endpoint to connect to and a simple HTTPS Basic auth transport. <system.ser...

TemplateBuilder and Assembly Upload Services with ADFS

Using either of the templating services (i.e. AssemblyTemplateUploadWebService.asmx and CompoundTemplateWebService.asmx ) with ADFS authentication is quite straight forward, if we use the Basic Authenticator . This one exposes a Basic authentication scheme, while communicating with the ADFS server in the background. Once a user is successfully authenticated, it creates a Thread and HttpContext security contexts, so that the following modules in the .NET request processing pipeline execute in the new security context. As such, our client can define a Basic auth security using HTTPS transport and it will be able to connect to the service. This is the same mechanism the Content Porter application is using (i.e. Basic auth). App.config The .NET Console application I use as test client uses generated service proxy classes. The configuration presented below defines the endpoint to connect to and a simple HTTPS Basic auth transport. <system.serviceModel> <bindings...

Content Porter 8.5 with ADFS

Content Porter uses Basic auth to communicate with the ImportExport service. This means the federated security approach will not work. Luckily, we have the Basic Authenticator that exposes the ADFS authentication as a basicHttp endpoint. Using this endpoint, the authenticator creates a new security principal and sets it in the current Thread and HttpContext . As such, Content Porter works again out of the box: For the Basic Authenticator to intercept requests for the basicHttp endpoint, I defined a regular expression that is matched against the URL of the request: <add key="BasicAuthPath" value="(?i)/templating/.+\.asmx|/webservices/(core|importexport)service\d{4,6}\.svc/(streamdownload_basichttp|basichttp|script(?!/js))|/wflistener/wflistener\.asmx|/webdav|/monitoring/tridionmonitoringagent.asmx"/> The expression above matches all requests to: /templating/ folder, and files that end with .asmx extension. These are the services  Asse...

ImportExport Service with ADFS

Using the ImportExport service with ADFS authentication is quite straight forward, if we use the Basic Authenticator. This one exposes a Basic authentication scheme, while communicating with the ADFS server in the background. Once a user is successfully authenticated, it creates a Thread and HttpContext security contexts, so that the following modules in the .NET request processing pipeline execute in the new security context. As such, our client can define a Basic auth security using HTTPS transport and it will be able to connect to the service. This is the same mechanism the Content Porter application is using (i.e. Basic auth). App.config The .NET Console application I use as test client uses generated service proxy classes. The configuration presented below defines the endpoint to connect to and a simple HTTPS Basic auth transport. <system.serviceModel> <bindings> <basicHttpBinding> <binding name= "basicHttp" > ...

A Validating Saml2SecurityTokenHandler

In a previous blog post, I talked about a SecurityTokenHandlers collection of different security tokens. This is a class from the .NET security framework and it allows a unified entry to different types of tokens. In this post, I explain the need for a validating Saml2SecurityTokenHandler . The code for my overloaded property is something like this: private SecurityTokenHandlerCollection securityTokenHandlers; private SecurityTokenHandlerCollection SecurityTokenHandlers { get { if (securityTokenHandlers == null ) { securityTokenHandlers = new SecurityTokenHandlerCollection( FederatedAuthentication.FederationConfiguration.IdentityConfiguration.SecurityTokenHandlers); for ( int i = 0 ; i < securityTokenHandlers.Count; i++) { if (securityTokenHandlers[i] is Saml2SecurityTokenHandler) { securityTokenHandlers[i] = new ValidatingSaml2SecurityToke...

AdfsClient Class

As mentioned in a previous blog post, this class takes care of the interaction with the ADFS server. Its main functionality is to request and decrypt SAML tokens from an ADFS server. The class makes use of the .NET security token API, which in order to be used, it has to be configured. The easiest is to configure it through XML, in one of the application's .config files: <> <federationConfiguration> <serviceCertificate> <certificateReference storeLocation= "LocalMachine" storeName= "My" x509FindType= "FindByThumbprint" findValue= "30 4e 10 91 73 fb 34 6a 90 19 f5 e7 d4 fa 2d 11 21 10 3e 3d" /> </serviceCertificate> </federationConfiguration> </> The configuration above allows us to use the predefined System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Saml2SecurityTokenHandler . I used this class to handle the reading (i...

Basic Authenticator Web 8.5 with ADFS

This post presents a Basic Authenticator wrapper around ADFS security. This authenticator allows a client and web-service to use Basic authorization security, while the actual security authentication happens on an ADFS server. The Basic Authenticator is a .NET HTTP module, which creates a security context based on a user principal that it receives from ADFS. All subsequent request processing happens in the context of this 'impersonated' context. The request processing sequence is as follows: Client connects to web-service using Basic authorization (over HTTPS, so the  Authorization  request header is not transmitted in the open) Basic Authenticator HTTP module intercepts the request If  Authorization  header is in the request Extract and decode username/password from  Authorization header If username/password is valid in ADFS Create user principal Set security context Let request processing continue Else Send 401 WWW-Authenticate response hea...

CoreService and ADFS with Issued Token

If in an earlier post CoreService with ADFS , I was talking about XML configuration of the .NET client application when connecting to a SDL Web 8.5 instance secured with ADFS, in this post I am showing another way of connecting to the CoreService, namely using a SAML token requested through code rather than configuration. The main steps in this approach are: client .NET Console application requests programmatically a SAML token from the ADFS server client creates connection using issued token The setup on the SDL Web server and the configurations of the CoreService web-service are identical to those presented in the earlier post, therefore I won't mention them again here. App.Config The client is a .NET Console application using an App.config which defines the following CoreService endpoint: <system.serviceModel> <bindings> <ws2007FederationHttpBinding> <binding name= "myCoreServiceBinding" maxReceivedMessageSize= ...

CoreService with ADFS

This post presents a way to connect to the SDL Web 8.5 CoreService form a .NET client using ADFS federated security. In this particular setup, the client application -- a .NET Console application -- makes a call to the ADFS Security Token Service (STS) to request a token based on username/password combination. This is a so called active authentication scenario. If the username/password combination is correct, the STS issues an encrypted SAML token and send it back to the client application. The client is only the bearer of the token and it cannot decrypt it. The client then establishes a connection with the ADFS secured web service and passes on the SAML token. The web service decrypts the token and extracts the user principal, and perhaps additional claims (i.e. attributes of that user such as email, first, last names, etc). The service impersonates the user principal and creates a channel with the client application. All operations performed by the client in this channel are done...

SAML Authenticator Web 8.5 with ADFS

This post continues the setup of Single Sign-On for Web 8.5 with ADFS presented in an earlier blog post. This SAML Authenticator is a .NET HTTP Module that is configured to intercept all requests going into the SDL Web website (the CME) and do the following: if request is post-back from ADFS decrypt SAML token extract user name set cookie with user name set user name in request SSO header else if cookie exists extract user name from cookie set user name in request SSO header else redirect browser to ADFS form-login The cookie is encrypted, in order to prevent the user name from being spoofed. In more detail, the code is as follows: public void BeginRequest () { string user = GetUserData(); if (user == null ) { Request.Headers.Remove(Configuration.HeaderUser); } else { Request.Headers[Configuration.HeaderUser] = user; } } The method executes when a request is intercepted. The configuration HeaderUser ...